Henning had an interesting gig playing songs from "Henning Goes To The Movies" as an introduction to Movie Trivia Madness, a fund raiser starring John Hodgman and Bill Dwight.
The Baseball Project (with Mike Mills) borrowed Henning's banjo for a performance of the National Anthem at Fenway Park. His banjo is more famous than him.
Henning contributed a song to this wonderful Woody Guthrie tribute record "Keep Hoping Machine Alive" (Spare the Rock Records).
Henning with J. Mascis and Pat Sansone
Photo by Zoran Orlic taken from Wilco website
Live at Johnny Brenda's, Philadelphia. Henning plays with Mark Mulcahy, Ken Maiuri, and Chris Harford.
Henning with Mark Mulcahy at the End of the Road Festival - Dorset, U.K.